Tag Archives: Fashion

Untuk Pria, Jenis Pakaian Olahraga yang Keren Digunakan Sehari Hari

Sekarang, memadu padankan pakaian bisa dari jenis dan genre pakaian mana saja, termasuk dari segmen sport atau olahraga. Tidak seperti jaman dulu dimana baju olahraga terkesan kaku dan hanya cocok untuk berolahraga, sekarang pakaian olahraga banyak yang fashionable. Seperti jenis jenis pakaian olahraga berikut yang cocok dipakai sehari hari. Baju Polo Polo shirt merupakan salah […]

Tips Berpakaian Saat Berolahraga Agar Lebih Nyaman dan Semangat

Tak hanya kesiapan tubuh, saat akan melakukan olahraga ada baiknya memperhatikan busana atau outfit. Bukan untuk sekadar gaya, melainkan perhatian terhadap hal ini bisa membuat lebih semangat dan memberi kenyamanan selama melakukan kegiatan olahraga. Berikut ini tips outfit saat berolahraga Pilih bahan baju yang mudah menyerap keringat Saat berolahraga tentunya tubuh akan memproduksi banyak keringat. […]

Golf Jadi Pilihan Media Quality Time Bagi Jihyo Twice

Golf menjadi hobi baru bagi salah satu member Twice, Jihyo. Bukan hanya sekadar hobi atau olahraga, Jihyo mulai mempelajari golf dengan alasan yang cukup menghentak hati, yaitu demi menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu bersama kedua orang tuanya. Jihyo yang sebagian besar waktunya ia habiskan bersama Twice, mulai dari tur konser keliling dunia, latihan bersama, dan lain […]

5 Cheap Driving Ranges in Jakarta

It’s fun to relax in the afternoon or get together with friends. Well, in addition to the cafe or mall, you can also do that at the driving range. Calm down, for those of you who just want to try hanging out with friends while driving range, here are 3 cheap driving ranges in Jakarta: […]

Tips for Choosing Golf Uniforms According to the Rules to be Comfortable During the Game

Being one of the sports that is known to be elegant, of course playing golf should not use costumes carelessly. Even some golf venues have dress codes or requirements that players must follow. In addition to following the rules, the following tips on choosing a golf uniform will make you look more fashionable. Check out […]

The Flying Ball Curved To The Left Is Wrong, Is It Right?

Here are some quick tips for golfers who often hook their shot to the left of the target. Note: This is written from the perspective of a left-handed golfer. Lefties hitting the ball curved to the left will hit a piece, not a hook, so lefties should reverse the direction element in the text below. […]

Outfit Golf is Cool Today!

If you haven’t been to a country club in the past 20 years, know that style-wise, you haven’t missed much. Giant polo shirts, pleated pants, and goofy-looking shoes still abound on your average 15 handicapper. If there’s a distinction to be made, it’s that now the fabrics involved much more resemble items you’d wear in […]

Golf History on The New Old Tom Morris Trail in Scotland

Scottish tour operator Bonnie Wee Golf has put together a collection of some of the oldest and most memorable links courses in the world. Old Tom Morris is without a doubt the most influential golfer in the history of the game. Now you can follow in his legendary footsteps while making a lifetime of memories […]

What Often Happens When Doing Swing

As mentioned above, swinging is the only way to score points in the game of golf. You can’t rely on penalties or even own goals like in football. Therefore, mastering the swing technique is a fixed price in pursuing this sport of golf. Unfortunately, swinging is not as easy as we think. As a layman, […]

Best Golf Attribute Gifts

We rounded up the best golf gifts, because the sport, long the bastion of leathery Bourbon-soaked Boomers, is losing some of its country club patina. Golfers are taking to local munis in streetwear. Tie dyed socks on the driving range. T-shirts! At the golf course! Coaches wear flat-brimmed hats. And, like so many other outdoor […]