The emergence of schools or special golf courses for children shows that this sport is no longer attractive to adults. One of them is Pondok Indah Golf Academy (PIGA) under the management of Pondok Indah Golf (PIG), Jakarta. This academy was initiated by eight people who like to play golf at PIG. Starting from the […]
Tag Archives: sport
The phenomenon of SCBD (Sudirman, Citayam, Bojong Gede and Depok) is increasingly mushrooming to ‘master’ the Sudirman area, Jakarta. They also continue to go viral.Seeing that Jakarta is the most strategic location as the main destination for young people from its supporting cities, plus transportation is starting to be able to support it, the phenomenon […]
The Indonesia Open golf tournament will resume in 2022. The event titled Mandiri Indonesia Open 2022 will take place at Pondok Indah Golf Course, Jakarta. The implementation date is August 4-7, 2022. “This tournament was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic,” said General Chairperson of the Indonesian Golf Association (PB PGI) Murdaya Po in a […]
Choosing the right golf equipment can be a challenge for beginners. In addition to thinking about the rules and how to play golf, we must also be confused by the many types and models of golf equipment sold in online stores. When looking for golf equipment, consider the basic equipment that suits your needs and […]
The game of golf is synonymous with high-end and expensive sports. The reason is, the equipment needed to play this sport is not cheap. Likewise with the price of field rental. Apart from that, golf is a small ball game that is played outdoors individually or as a team. The players will compete to put […]
Golf is synonymous with the word ‘expensive’, whether it’s from equipment, field rental and other small things. And also one thing that makes newbies or other lay people, “Is it true that golf is included in sports activities?”. Yes, it’s a bit confusing to explain if you always identify sports activities with physical activity that […]
For golf fans, of course, you are familiar with the term caddy. A golf caddy can also be considered as an assistant to golfers. Caddy are women or men who help golf players on the course. They used to help prepare tools, get the ball to measure the field. Caddy assignments require them to interact […]
Mengapa kita perlu minum susu? Karena susu itu penting untuk kesehatan kita, kita perlu memcukupi kebutuhan gizi karena susu mengandung zat gizi yang lengkap. Di samping akan serat akan protein, lemak, vitamin dan mineral yang terpenting, mengandung kalsium guna menunjang pertumbuhan dan kepadatan tulang. Dan ada 10 manfaat susu pada kesehatan tubuh kita. Sumber Kalsium […]
Siapa disisni yang pemalas ? mungkin banyak dari kita yang pemalas, tapi jika dibiarkan dan tidak melakukan aktivitas apapun, akan berbahaya juga untuk kita sendiri, maka dari itu birdie akan memberi tips olahraga yang bisa dilakukan walaupun kita lagi malas-malasan ditempat tidur. Check this out.. 1. Pillow Exercise untuk paha bagian dalam Berbaringlah pada posisi […]
Halo sport lovers, kali ini birdie magazine mau membahas olahraga yang tidak popular di negara kita, Indonesia, tapi popular di Negara lain. Sebagai negara yang kaya akan jumlah penduduk, Indonesia sudah melahirkan sejumlah atlet yang menjadi juara di kompetisi-kompetisi level dunia. Selain bulutangkis yang telah mendarah daging di keseharian masyarakat Indonesia, olahraga mainstream lain, seperti sepakbola, bola […]