Tag Archives: lifestyle

Untuk Pria, Jenis Pakaian Olahraga yang Keren Digunakan Sehari Hari

Sekarang, memadu padankan pakaian bisa dari jenis dan genre pakaian mana saja, termasuk dari segmen sport atau olahraga. Tidak seperti jaman dulu dimana baju olahraga terkesan kaku dan hanya cocok untuk berolahraga, sekarang pakaian olahraga banyak yang fashionable. Seperti jenis jenis pakaian olahraga berikut yang cocok dipakai sehari hari. Baju Polo Polo shirt merupakan salah […]

Tips Berpakaian Saat Berolahraga Agar Lebih Nyaman dan Semangat

Tak hanya kesiapan tubuh, saat akan melakukan olahraga ada baiknya memperhatikan busana atau outfit. Bukan untuk sekadar gaya, melainkan perhatian terhadap hal ini bisa membuat lebih semangat dan memberi kenyamanan selama melakukan kegiatan olahraga. Berikut ini tips outfit saat berolahraga Pilih bahan baju yang mudah menyerap keringat Saat berolahraga tentunya tubuh akan memproduksi banyak keringat. […]

Golf Jadi Pilihan Media Quality Time Bagi Jihyo Twice

Golf menjadi hobi baru bagi salah satu member Twice, Jihyo. Bukan hanya sekadar hobi atau olahraga, Jihyo mulai mempelajari golf dengan alasan yang cukup menghentak hati, yaitu demi menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu bersama kedua orang tuanya. Jihyo yang sebagian besar waktunya ia habiskan bersama Twice, mulai dari tur konser keliling dunia, latihan bersama, dan lain […]

Ria Bintan Golf Club, The Best Course In Asia.

Ria Bintan Golf Club is proud to announce its success in consistently being named the best golf course in Asia and Indonesia by the Asian Golf Awards and obtaining the Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence from 2014 to 2019 and the 2019 Hall of Fame. and has hosted various regional events, including Ria Annual bintan. Ria […]

Bathed in loot, he’s the three richest golfers in the world of all time.

Let it be noted that golf is the fourth richest sport on the planet. If a golfer wins a tournament, their bank accounts are soon filled with enough money to retire. If one is good at properly investing, of course. This proves that golf is one of the most prestigious sports that money, fame, and […]

This Is Why Golf Is Expensive Sport.

There are a number of factors that make golf sports seem expensive. First, because of the expensive equipment. The new xxio eleven new new xxio eleven set ata recent price. For a unit price, elevenia xxio driver would be $8.5 million, fairway wood $1.1 million, a hybrid $6 million, iron graphite $19.9 million.  Even though […]

3 Tips and Tricks for Playing Golf at Night

Playing golf is indeed very fitting when done in the morning or afternoon. This is because the sun can be one of the lights that beautify the golf game. However, did you know that golf can also be played at night? Playing golf under the lights and night sky will certainly make the game more […]

Not just choosing the right size, here are 3 tips for choosing golf shoes

In playing golf, you don’t just have to choose the right type of club. but golf shoes are also one of the important accessories that you need to pay attention to. Because shoes that are not comfortable, of course, will make you unable to play optimally. The following will review tips on choosing the right […]

Tips for Choosing Golf Uniforms According to the Rules to be Comfortable During the Game

Being one of the sports that is known to be elegant, of course playing golf should not use costumes carelessly. Even some golf venues have dress codes or requirements that players must follow. In addition to following the rules, the following tips on choosing a golf uniform will make you look more fashionable. Check out […]