Tag Archives: Fashion

The Most Expensive Golf Courses in The World

The most expensive golf courses in the world are carried by several places to play this sport scattered in various parts of the world. No doubt, playing golf in these three places can further increase your prestige. As is known, the sport of golf itself is quite synonymous with expensive costs. Because, in addition to […]

4 Outfit References for Golf

Sport is indeed one of the routine activities that must be done for a healthy lifestyle inside and out. One of the favorite sports for people who have free time is golf. However, this one sport must be supported by adequate equipment because golf is played outdoors in the hot sun. Therefore, comfort when playing […]

Biomechanics Of The Golf Swing

Golf is a club and ball sport. The main objective of golf is to hit the ball and make it land in the hole or cup set on the golf course with as few strokes as possible. A good golf shot depends primarily on applying accurate technique rather than power and strength. Every golfer has […]

SCBD (Sudirman – Citayam – Bojong Gede – Depok)

The phenomenon of SCBD (Sudirman, Citayam, Bojong Gede and Depok) is increasingly mushrooming to ‘master’ the Sudirman area, Jakarta. They also continue to go viral.Seeing that Jakarta is the most strategic location as the main destination for young people from its supporting cities, plus transportation is starting to be able to support it, the phenomenon […]

Must-have Golf Equipment for Beginners

Choosing the right golf equipment can be a challenge for beginners. In addition to thinking about the rules and how to play golf, we must also be confused by the many types and models of golf equipment sold in online stores. When looking for golf equipment, consider the basic equipment that suits your needs and […]

Potret Gong Yoo Main Golf, Pesona Gantengnya Bukan Main !! Bisa Kamu Contek Untuk Tips Outfit Bermain Golf

Gong Yoo baru saja melakukan pemotretan terbaru untuk brand pakaian. Dalam potretnya, sang aktor tengah bergaya sembari main golf. Pesona gantengnya pun terlihat cerah seperti masa depan. Intip yuk potretnya yang dibagikan oleh Discovery Expedition Korea.

Apa Saja Sih yang Peralatan Perlu di Siapkan Untuk Pegolf Pemula?

Bagi orang-orang yang baru mulai bermain golf, memilih peralatan golf untuk pemula yang tepat bisa menjadi hal yang cukup menantang. Di samping banyaknya peraturan yang diterapkan dalam permainan golf, Anda juga akan menemukan peralatan golf dalam berbagai jenis dan model. Dalam memilih peralatan golf yang tepat, Anda perlu mencari peralatan golf yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan […]

Gaya Farah Quinn Pose Bareng Luna Maya dan Putrinya di Lapangan Golf

Farah Quinn sering membagikan beragam kegiatannya di media sosial. Salah satunya adalah kegiatannya bermain golf. Chef yang pernah tinggal di Amerika Serikat ini kerap membagikan potret kegiatannya bermain golf baik sendiri maupun bersama teman-temannya. Tak hanya di Jakarta, Farah juga terlihat pernah memainkan olahraga mahal ini di sejumlah daerah, seperti di Bintan dan Bali. Baru-baru ini […]