Category Archives: Magazine

Getting to Know the Kinds of Golf Caddy and Their Job.

Golf caddy has become a common thing and is often heard by golfers. In fact, some say that if we play golf without using the services of a Caddy, it is the same as not playing golf. A golf caddy is a golfer’s assistant while playing golf on the course. Many want to be a […]

Bukit Unggul Country Club, Medium Difficulty Golf Course At Reasonable Rates.

If you are bored with golf courses that have a low/easy level of difficulty, then you must try playing golf at Bukit Unggul Country Club. Because this Club has a moderate level of difficulty, in addition to having a moderate level of difficulty, this Golf Club also has a reasonable rate or relatively cheap. This […]

Golfers Must Know, Here’s How To Do The Correct Flop Shot Technique!

In the game of golf, of course, there are many terms of strokes contained in the game of golf. One of them is the Flop Shot technique. Flop Shot technique is that produces a ball that bounces up straight high and then stops shortly after landing on the ground. Here we present how to do […]

Myths About Golf Caddy That Many Circulate Out.

So far, news about caddy is synonymous with negative things. In fact, there are many facts that are not known to the public about this one profession. Some of them answer the circulating myths: Always Dress Sexy The opinion that caddy always dress sexy when on duty is certainly an opinion that doesn’t make sense. […]

3 Tips and Tricks for Playing Golf at Night

Playing golf is indeed very fitting when done in the morning or afternoon. This is because the sun can be one of the lights that beautify the golf game. However, did you know that golf can also be played at night? Playing golf under the lights and night sky will certainly make the game more […]

Not just choosing the right size, here are 3 tips for choosing golf shoes

In playing golf, you don’t just have to choose the right type of club. but golf shoes are also one of the important accessories that you need to pay attention to. Because shoes that are not comfortable, of course, will make you unable to play optimally. The following will review tips on choosing the right […]

Tips for Choosing Golf Uniforms According to the Rules to be Comfortable During the Game

Being one of the sports that is known to be elegant, of course playing golf should not use costumes carelessly. Even some golf venues have dress codes or requirements that players must follow. In addition to following the rules, the following tips on choosing a golf uniform will make you look more fashionable. Check out […]

Cara Unik Pegiat Golf Memeriahkan HUT Ke-77 Republik Indonesia

Dalam momen memperingati dan memeriahkan HUT ke-77 Republik Indonesia, sebuah turnamen golf bertajuk Merah Putih Cup II digelar di Sentul Highland Golf Club, Kamis (18/8/2022). Dengan mengusung tema HUT ke-77 Republik Indonesia, peserta turnamen yang berasal dari berbagai kalangan, seperti komunitas pegiat golf, mahasiswa, pegawai, hingga selebriti itu mengenakan kostum bertema kemerdekaan. Sebelum memulai turnamen […]

Pay Attention to the Following Things before Playing Golf

Playing golf is not only loved by adults. Now the younger generation is very interested in trying this one sport. At first glance, the sport of golf does look simple and easy, but when put into practice it turns out that there are many things that must be considered, from sports equipment to the right […]