Charlie Sifford adalah pegolf profesional Afrika-Amerika dan mantan pemain PGA Amerika. Sifford lahir Charles Sifford pada tanggal 2 Juni 1922 di Charlotte, Carolina Utara. Sifford memulai karirnya sebagai caddy (pemain baseball) pada usia 13 tahun. Selama bekerja, ia melihat banyak pegolf berlatih di lapangan golf. Sejak saat itu, Sifford mulai mempelajari teknik pemain dan berlatih […]
Tag Archives: health
Sport is one of the activities that support one’s health, besides that exercise is also an activity that can produce various benefits for one’s body. Some doctors and experts always recommend sports activities to get a healthy and fit body. However, when doing sports there are things that need to be considered so that the […]
One of the activities carried out by the community the most. But often a person feels sore after exercising. Sports Medicine Specialist, dr. Michael Triangto, Sp.K.O, explained that the symptoms of aches after exercising are a natural thing experienced by a person. Especially if the person rarely exercise. “Every time we exercise, we use energy […]
Who says healthy is expensive? In fact, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to keep your body healthy. In addition to preventing disease, you can also save at the same time by changing your lifestyle. You can start right away, let’s do this habit for a cheap healthy life! Smart Choice of […]
Exercise is done to nourish the body and burn fat, it also builds mood and relieves stress. But if we don’t really understand the rules in exercising, we actually risk injuring the body and keeping the body from being healthy. There are some mistakes in exercising that can indeed harm the body. These mistakes can […]
Regular exercise does have many health benefits, such as relieving stress, improving heart health, and reducing the risk of cognitive function decline. However, experts emphasize that exercise routines should not be done every day, 24 hours 7 days, you also need to have rest days. Rest days will ensure that your body and mind have […]
The emergence of schools or special golf courses for children shows that this sport is no longer attractive to adults. One of them is Pondok Indah Golf Academy (PIGA) under the management of Pondok Indah Golf (PIG), Jakarta. This academy was initiated by eight people who like to play golf at PIG. Starting from the […]
Seorang atlet harus menjaga pola makan dan asupan nutrisinya. Kondisi fisik yang prima tentu akan mempengaruhi performa si atlet. Melansir dari laman, Jumat, 5 Maret 2021, pola makan ideal bagi atlet sebenarnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan pola makan yang direkomendasikan untuk orang sehat. Tetapi, jumlah tiap kelompok makanan Anda bergantung pada jenis olahraga, jenis pelatihan, dan jumlah waktu […]
BNI Indonesian Masters 2018 merupakan event ketiga yang digelar sepanjang sejarah. Pada edisi tahun ini, ajang tersebut juga masuk dalam kalender Pro-Am Indonesian Masters, yang diikuti atlet-atlet terkenal dunia. Direktur Utama BNI, Achmad Baiquni, berharap turnamen ini bisa menjadi medium guna mendapatkan pegol-pegolf baru guna berprestasi di masa depan. “Kami bangga bisa berpartisipasi karena sejalan dengan misi […]
Hallo sport lovers, ternyata selain ada manfaatnya, olahraga dimalam hari juga dapat menimbulkan resiko. Berikut adalah resiko jika kita olahraga di malam hari. Membuat daya tahan tubuh berkurang berolahraga malam jika tak diperhatikan betul waktu dan porsinya akan membuat daya tahan tubuh kamu justru melemah. Udara dingin dan angin malam yang berlebihan ditambah lelah seharian […]