Must-have Golf Equipment for Beginners

Choosing the right golf equipment can be a challenge for beginners.

In addition to thinking about the rules and how to play golf, we must also be confused by the many types and models of golf equipment sold in online stores.

When looking for golf equipment, consider the basic equipment that suits your needs and the type of training you will be doing.

Here are some of the golf equipment that beginner golfers need to have.

When playing golf, the first thing to remember is to protect your hands when swinging the golf club. Without the right golf gloves, your hands will hurt after a few swings.

Golf gloves will help us protect our hands from injury, and we can hold the golf club better.

Golf shoes
Good golf shoes are also needed along with gloves. Golf shoes are made in such a way to provide traction when the foot hits the court, so that we can more easily take a position when swinging the club.

Golf bag
We need a golf bag to store all the golf clubs we have. For beginners, there is no need to buy a bag that looks complicated, as long as it can be used to store 14 golf clubs, balls, water and snacks.

There are some golfers who are more concerned with the equipment than the bag, while others are more concerned with the appearance of the golf bag than the equipment.

Golf stand and ball
The next equipment needed is a ball and a holder or a place to put a golf ball (tee). Typically, tees are brightly colored and look like plastic or wooden nails.

It doesn’t matter if we want to buy cheap or expensive golf balls. However, for beginners, it is recommended to buy a cheap ball because the ball can be lost on the field or in the water.

If you are already proficient at playing golf, you can buy some golf balls which are priced higher and adjusted to your needs, for example for high spins or for distance.

As for tees or stands, you can choose plastic ones because they don’t break easily.

Golf club
A golf club is the most important accessory when playing golf. We need a few different clubs to play with, including the pitching wedge, putter, driver, sand wedge, the three, five, seven and nine iron and the three wood.

All of these clubs are basic requirements for a golfer to start playing golf.

Many driving ranges or golf courses rent out golf equipment. However, it is best to have your own equipment. This way, we can improve our game and be more “familiar” with the balls, tees, or sticks we have.

Source: kompas