The Time it Takes to Play a Round of Golf

One round of golf, on average, is estimated to take about four hours to play for a group of four golfers. It is an estimate that most golfers will give a good time to play 18 holes (18 holes is the length of a “standard” round of golf). But the actual time it takes to play varies for various reasons.

Single golfers on vacant golf courses should be able to finish in two and a half hours or less. A group of four on a very busy course, on the other hand, may take five hours or more.

Factors That Determine How Long It Takes to Play Golf

The actual time a round of golf (18 holes) takes to play depends on several factors:

  • How busy the golf course is when you and your golfers arrive: The more people on the course, the more chances for groups to pile up and the pace of play to slow down.
  • How many golfers are in your group: Imagine an empty golf course except for your group. Now imagine your group of just two golfers vs. has four golfers. Which will be the faster group? Group two, all other things being equal.
  • Golfer’s skill level: A golf course full of low handicappers should, in theory, move the round along at a faster pace than a golf course full of high handicappers. Why? Low-handicappers play fewer strokes.
  • How easy or difficult this golf course is: A wide open golf course with no danger and little danger will play faster than a tight course with a lot of danger and very difficult.

Key Factor: Speed ​​of Individual Golfers in Group
One of the biggest factors in golf time requirements is how fast or slow each golfer is. How fast, how fast – or how slowly – the golfer moves on the course is called the “rate of play”. Some golfers play very fast – they are always ready to attack when it is their turn; they stay in position and move directly from shot to shot. Everything else is pretty slow, always finding a way to waste time.

Don’t be a lazy golfer! Slow golfers not only slow themselves down, but the golfers they play with and others on the golf course too.

Whether your group includes fast or slow golfers, combined with how busy the golf course is overall, plays the biggest role in how long it takes to play golf.

As for how busy the course is: If you play a regular rotation of the golf course, you’ll learn over time which one moves the round faster, or takes longer to play; and at which point things tend to slow down.

As for the pace of individual play, what it boils down to is: When it’s your turn to play, it’s ready to play. Part of the responsibility of every golfer on the course is to observe good golf etiquette, and part of that means maintaining a good pace of play. Don’t slow down the other golfers in your group, and your group shouldn’t slow down other groups following behind.

It’s important for newcomers to golf to learn how to maintain a good pace of play, and for veteran golfers to help pass other golf etiquette habits and tips on to beginners.

The easiest way to shorten the time it takes to play golf: play fewer holes

There is one very easy way to reduce the amount of time it takes to play golf: Play fewer holes. Everyone thinks of “rounds” as 18 holes. But you are not required to play the full 18. Short time or just a rush? Play nine holes instead. Many golf courses offer reduced green fees for golfers who only want to play nine times. Playing nines is also a great option for an afternoon when there isn’t enough sun left to finish 18 anyway.

One of the innovations currently underway in golf course design is building courses in a way that allows golfers more choices than just nine holes or 18 holes. Some golf courses are now designed with a six-hole loop so golfers can choose to play six holes, nine, 12 or 18.

Source: lifehackk