Although it looks relaxed and easy, in fact there are many tricks of the game in Golf. This relaxed sport on the green field also has a series of types of strokes, such as chipping. This shot is intended to bring the ball closer to the green area or make the ball roll into the hole. To help you hit better, here are some golf chipping tips and tricks that you can try.
1. Choose the Best Stick
The right stick has a high drive success factor. If you are a beginner, keep in mind that the loft and the type of cane must be considered carefully. What needs to be kept in mind is that the position of the lofts will make a difference in the results of the stroke. The point is only one, the more tilted the stick loft, the ball will be carried to soar higher.
So what to choose? The answer lies in the situation you are in. If you need a fairly long shot, then a low loft can be chosen. Because the ball will bounce and reach a longer distance. But if your position is close to the green, then choose a high loft (almost upright head) which will bring the ball from bouncing far.
2. Chipping Preparation Tricks
If the stick is in hand, it’s time to prepare. There are several points that you can use as a reference for golf chipping tips and tricks. The first is to position the ball’s head as close to the ball as possible. This distance will guarantee better control on the swing that will be carried out.
Bring your legs together and bend your body slightly. In this case, the meeting does not mean as in a ready position. However, keep your feet as close as possible and center your weight on the ends of your feet. So, the body will feel a little stiff. This is what makes the chipping shot considered challenging, because the center of movement is not on the wrist as usual.
3. Body position
Had briefly explained the position of the body in the previous point. Basically, your posture and body angle should appear as if you’re slightly hunched over. Of concern is the distribution of the weight of gravity on the toe. Not at the front end, but right in the center of the sole of the foot.
Although it looks easy, this position requires good balance. Because 60% of the body weight will rest on the center of the soles of the feet. You can use these golf chipping tips and tricks for practice. The trick is to close your eyes and swing the stick as if you were hitting a ball. Watch for changes in the center of pressure in the foot and study until you are flexible.
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