Wearing golf gloves isn’t a requirement for playing the game, but it’s what I recommend. Why is that? It’s very simple: Golf gloves help golfers maintain safe control of the golf club. The human hand is not as tacky as the material used in golf gloves. This is especially the case when the golfer is sweating, or when the grip of one of the golf clubs is wet. Golf gloves will provide a safer grip on the club.
But does that mean you have to wear golf gloves? Not.
There are some pro players – Hall of Famer Fred Couples, for example – who don’t wear gloves. They are rare, however, and teaching pros will always recommend using gloves.
Golf gloves help golfers maintain a good grip on the golf club without having to squeeze them too tightly (which results in strain in the hands, wrists and forearms – and bad tension in golf).
Most golfers wear gloves with only one hand (see below); a small number do not wear gloves at all; smaller numbers wear gloves on both hands. You want the glove to fit snugly (some manufacturers say it’s like a second skin) while still being comfortable and not restricting your hand movement. Golf gloves that are too big can slide around during the swing, defeating the purpose of wearing one in the first place.
Which Hand Do Golf Gloves Do?
Most golfers wear one glove. But in which hand?
These gloves are worn on your hand – that is, the hand that leads the golf club through your swing. Which hand is it? Your main hand is your hand placing the highest on the golf club (closest to the butt end of the grip), the front hand on your downswing to the golf ball. Or, to be more specific:
The primary hand for left-handed golfers is the left hand (because the right hand has the highest left hand in the club);
How Much Do Golf Gloves Cost?
Golf gloves are one of the cheapest golf equipment. Good brand-name golf gloves can be purchased for $10 or $15, some cheaper, others more depending on style and material.
Gloves are available in different sizes to fit different hand sizes; they are most common in white or white and black color schemes, but different solid colors and different color schemes are available.
If you’re browsing golf gloves at a physical pro store, you might be able to pick up a glove and try it on for sizing, just as you would try on shoes for sizing before buying. (This is not always true, so if you are unsure check first with store personnel.)
Special gloves, such as those designed specifically for wet weather, cost a little more.
Do You Wear Golf Gloves for All Shots?
If you decide to wear gloves (or even two), should you wear them for all the strokes you play – for every shot during your round? Some golfers do that, but most golfers – most and almost all pro golfers – wear gloves only on swings with wood, hybrid, iron and wedge.
Most of the time, when the golfer reaches the green, the glove comes off. The nipple is like a stroke feel, a very, very slow swing compared to other golf swings, which has a skin-on-putter-grip touch sensation providing more feedback on your putt. There’s also no chance of the putter flying out of your hand during a gentler stroke of the bruise (or if there is, you’re doing something very wrong!).
Some golfers, such as Tommy “Two Gloves” Gainey, wear gloves on both hands, or none at all; but one glove, which is placed on the main hand, is the norm.
Gloves are worn on shots off the tee, off the fairway and onto the green. Most (but not all) golfers who wear gloves remove them for inclusion.
So here’s the advice: Buy a glove and give it a try. See how it feels, and as long as you’re comfortable wearing one while you’re golfing, it’s a good idea to do so. If wearing gloves makes you uncomfortable, you can play golf without wearing them. But if you do, pay close attention to keeping your hands and grip on your golf club dry before each shot.
Source: lifehackk